QUIN Council membership includes state level organizations led by nurses that have a mission and purpose consistent with the QUIN Council mission and objectives. Organizations may seek participant status by approaching a current organization.


The Florida Nurses Association is the only nursing organization in Florida that advocates for nurses regardless of specialty or area of practice. The FNA is committed to a healthy work environment for nurses and safe, quality care for the citizens of our state. We work to achieve this through advocacy, education and the engagement of nurses as a unified voice in the health policy arena.
The Florida Board of Nursing licenses, monitors, disciplines, educates and, when appropriate, rehabilitates its licensees to assure their fitness and competence in providing health care services for the people of Florida. The purpose of the Nurse Practice Act is to ensure that every nurse practicing in Florida meets minimum requirements for safe practice. Nurses who fall below minimum competency or who otherwise present a danger to the public shall be prohibited from practicing in the State of Florida.
Florida Association of Colleges of Nurses
The purpose of the Florida Association of College of Nursing is to improve the nursing care provided to persons in Florida through advancing nursing education, research and practice. Specific activities include:
Presenting a common voice for the baccalaureate and higher degree programs within the state.
Providing a means for members to communicate ideas, make recommendations, and take appropriate action on recommendations.
Coordinating efforts with the state’s professional groups and associations that impact nursing education and practice.
Florida Association of Directors of Nursing Administration
FADONA’s primary goal is to ensure that the residents entrusted to its members enjoy the highest possible quality of life while receiving the finest quality care. FADONA is the premier organization for the advancement of nursing executives and leaders to position them as key members of the health care leadership team addressing the constant evolving landscape and need for innovation in the PA/LTC continuum.
Florida Council of Nursing Education Administrators
Florida Hospital Association Vice President, Nursing
FHA's Mission is to advocate proactively on behalf of hospitals at the state and federal levels on issues that will assist members in their mission of community service and care to patients.
Florida Council of Practical Nursing Education Administrators
The Florida Council of Practical Nursing Education Administrators is a statewide organization of practical nursing directors. The purpose of the organization is to create a shared vision for practical nursing education in Florida. Other functions include providing a forum to share mutual interests and concerns and discuss effective courses of action. Facilitate ongoing communication between all practical nursing programs.
Association of Practical Nurse Educators of Florida
The Association of Practical Nurse Educators of Florida (APNEF) is a statewide organization of registered nurses who teach in practical nursing programs and others interested in practical nursing education. APNEF is a non-profit professional organization whose purpose is to improve the quality of practical nursing education in the state of Florida. Other functions of APNEF include networking with instructors and updating members on issues in the state of Florida affecting nurses and nursing education.
Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Founded in 1936, The Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists (FANA) represents over 3,800 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) in Florida. FANA advocates for our patients and members in legislative and governmental affairs and serves as a resource for CRNAs, the nursing and medical professions, hospitals, health care facilities, and others interested in anesthesia care.
Florida Association of School Nurses
The Florida Association of School Nurses (FASN) is the premier organization dedicated to serving school nurses in Florida through advocacy, education, networking and leadership. Our goal is to improve the health and educational success of Florida’s students (Pre-K through high school) and school communities by developing nurse leaders to promote and advocate for best practices in school nursing.
Florida Action Coalition Diversity Council
The Florida Action Coalition Diversity Council serves as an advisory committee, representing diverse nursing organizations and groups throughout Florida. In 2014, the Diversity Council was formed as part of a State Implementation Project (SIP) Grant in an effort to solidify diversity efforts in the state. The Diversity council promotes culturally competent care in healthcare initiatives. The emphasis is to identify approaches to increase workplace diversity and inclusion.
Florida Nurse Practitioner Network
The Florida Nurse Practitioner Network (FNPN) serves to encourage networking between members throughout the state; provide educational and professional development for nurse practitioners; serve as a resource for nurse practitioners, their patients and other health consumers; and promote excellence in practice, education, policy, and research.
Florida League for Nursing
The Florida League for Nursing is committed to the growth and development of nursing as a whole. Recognizing and embracing our cross-cultural diversity as we create an environment inclusive to all seeking education in the care of others.
Florida Organization of Nurse Executives
The Florida Organization of Nurse Executives exists for nurse leaders who provide vision for the advancement of professional nursing practice and patient care. FONE promotes excellence in leadership to shape the future of health care delivery, education and health policy in Florida. Our mission is to advance the future of healthcare and nursing in Florida through innovation and expert nursing leadership.
Florida Public Health Association
Florida Public Health Association serves Florida’s Public Health Professionals and students through advocacy, professional development, and networking to improve Florida’s Health. The FPHA Nursing Section interest group’s purposes are to provide leadership for the nursing profession and to promote high quality health care for consumers through education, advocacy, and influencing public health practices in the State of Florida.
Intervention Project for Nurses
The Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN) ensures public health and safety by providing education, monitoring and support to nurses in the State of Florida. Founded through state legislation in the 1980s, IPN serves as a Consultant to the Florida Board of Nursing and the Department of Health and functions as an alternative to discipline program. IPN’s purpose is to serve impaired and potentially impaired practitioners due to the misuse of drugs including alcohol, and/or a psychiatric, psychological or physical condition for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the public.
Florida Association of Peri-Anesthesia Nurses
FLASPAN contributes to nursing in the state of Florida by providing education to nurses in all phases of perianesthesia care. This promotes their professional knowledge, competence, and growth, thereby enhancing the care and safety of people of every age undergoing surgery and/or anesthesia in hospitals and ambulatory care settings, or any in which I.V. sedation is administered.
Florida Nursing Students Association
The Florida Nursing Students Association is committed to aiding nursing students in preparing for their future professional responsibilities through networking, conferences, leadership, and scholarships. With over 5,000 members, FNSA provides a platform for students to share nursing practice and health care related topics while advocating for our future profession and communities.
Florida Emergency Nurses Association
The Emergency Nurses Association is the American professional organization that represents emergency nursing. Consisting of 40,000 members, ENA examines issues relevant to emergency care, publishes professional guidelines, and issues a peer-reviewed journal